Dar {Hosta} James is an artist in its broader sense: a painter, writer, illustrator, designer, creative coach, teacher and speaker on creativity. I came across her when I was looking for a suitable quote.
Born in the United States of America, Dar might be an 'unknown' artist but exceedingly worth mentioning. I, myself, stumbled over the designation: "Kazen-Muse Creativity Coach" - someone who "counsel[s] people from all walks of life in order to help them connect with their own creativity and live an authentic life in which they feel they are the best versions of them selves [sic]". An intriguing thought and I count myself lucky to have some practical knowlegde of the idea. It is astonishing how much we re-discover by using our very own creativity, no judgment or marks looming ahead.
Please take your time to check her website http://www.darsworld.com and additionally savour her rich and luscious paintings! P.S.: Love it: Dar currently lives in New Hope, Pennsylvania! Nomen est omen, isn't it?!